This is an UV (Ultra Violet) edition of the Arc AAA. It features a Nichia NSPU510CS 375nm UV LED powered by a single AAA battery, it can use lithium, alkaline or nimh rechargeable AAA batteries 1.5v.

The body is constructed from Type III Hard Anodized 6061 Aluminum and the interior is coated with chemkote for stronger corrosion reistance.

The switch is a twisty at the head, twist the head for simple on-off activation, o-rings make the light water reistance up to a hundread feet. Runtime with an alkaline battery is about 5 hours to 50% power.

UV lights are useful in many applications where objects need UV wavelengths to flouresce, like detecting counterfeit, scorpions, body fluids and others. Exposure to UV light is potentially harmful to the eyes so this is not a light to play. If you need a keychain UV light the Arc is probably one of the most durable versions you can get it will last forever in your keychain. If you don't need a very rugged light you have several options much cheaper and with similar runtime and output so this one probably makes sense only for those that use an UV light every day.

You can get it for $40 at ArcFlashlights.


  1. Anonymous9:24 PM

    i love your site, so sad there arent more comments. i appreciate you discussing these items because i like so many of them!

    in the case of this item i would like to offer an alternative. although it is a very nice torch, it is a bit bulky for the application. i suggest this:
    10(!) mini LED UV lights for $5 shipped. the site is in china and will take about 2 weeks to get, but they are a reliable company i've ordered from before.

    with the uv lights you know you will only be using them in rare instances to validate money and check for c*m stains on hotel beds. so it's best to have a tiny version. i'm also getting a small Red LED light from for those cases where you dont want to ruin your night vision.

    thanks for the reviews!

  2. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
